Missions & Values
Corporate Mission
Contribute in a professional capacity to the success of clients’ businesses and fulfilling our ultimate task of assisting the clients from ‘Cradle to Listing’.
2 Provide human capital with adequate exposure and career opportunities and enhance our ‘Human Capital Value’.
3 Continue to grow as a modern, dynamic and effective professional group and establishing ourselves as a ‘One Stop Solution’.
4 Link and network with professional groups in the region to form alliances and establishing ourselves as an ‘International Consulting Firm’.
Corporate Values
1Client Oriented
The core characters of our professional when servicing are:- The passion to help clients grow their businesses, and to excel in whatever we do for the benefit of our clients especially when the clients found business opportunities overseas.
- Listen to our clients’ needs and always available to talk to us at any time offering a higher level of managerial and partner attention all the time.
- Solutions are not always straightforward for challenges facing growing businesses. We provide a persevering attitude and will find all alternatives to help clients solve their problems and achieve their set objectives and hold their hands wherever possible.
- We use our vast experience to assist in the implementation of our recommendations to the clients, which are mainly guided by practicality and cost-effectiveness. We do not believe in textbook solutions as they may not fit into the clients’ circumstances.
- We need to be proactive, making things happen instead of waiting for things to happen. We can tap on our expertise and experience to anticipate issues and problems for clients and try to prevent problems from happening.
Quality Conscious
All our professionals are committed to quality and ensure that our services bear the hallmark of technical excellence and derived with precision and administrative accuracy and effectiveness.
This is achieved by professionals keeping up-to-date with Accounting and Auditing Standards, work methodologies, knowledge and skills being the goal of our Human Capital Development Policy of attracting and grooming talents to the best of their abilities.
Quality services cannot exist without integrity and we will not allow ourselves to compromise our standards at the expense of integrity and independence.
We uphold the reputation of the profession and the company through proper conduct and quality work at all times. Our commitment to quality was represented by our quality control procedures which management will be committed to execute.
Professional Development
Our Group is committed to create a very good environment for learning and providing our Professionals a platform to achieve their Professional status. Being awarded ‘Gold Approved’ Accredited Employer by ACCA in 2009 speaks volume for our Group’s staff policies and our intention in the development of our talents.